Rules of Governance
of the
Colorado State University Employee Appreciation Board (CSUEAB)
[revised 5/12]
Article I – NAME
The name of this organization shall be the Colorado State University Employee Appreciation Board (CSUEAB).
Article II – PURPOSE
The purpose of this Board shall be to provide a vehicle for the recognition and social interaction of the academic faculty, administrative professional employees, and state classified personnel and enhance participation in designated university-wide events.
Section 1. Ideally, the Board shall be made up of at least one representative from each college of the University, Cooperative Extension, Colorado State Forest Service, the Classified Personnel Council (CPC), the Administrative Professional Council (APC), Faculty Council, the Divisions reporting to the University Vice Presidents, Office of the President, and (at the discretion of the Board) additional members from other units on campus. Any unit/college with a vacant membership slot shall be extended an invitation to participate at the beginning of each academic year by the current president or program chair(s). Active members also may suggest representatives. The president needs to secure approval from the college or unit for an individual to be named to membership. The total membership of the Board shall not exceed twenty-five. Representation from all three employee groups (Faculty, Administrative Professional, and State Classified) is required, when possible.
Section 2. Board members shall serve for a three-year term with an opportunity to renew, with approximately one-third (1/3) of the members appointed each year.
Section 3. Vacancy – In the event any member of the Board shall cease to serve, because of resignation or other contingency, a member may be appointed by the Board to represent the college or unit, with approval of the CSUEAB president, appropriate administrative officer, and/or majority recommendation of the Board officers.
Section 1. Election – The Board shall elect the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and communications coordinator from its membership at its annual May meeting. Officers will assume their duties immediately upon election.
Section 2. Executive Officers Membership – The executive officers shall consist of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and communications coordinator. Ideally, the vice president shall succeed the president to ensure continuity of leadership and coordination experience. Ad-hoc officers may also be appointed at the discretion of the president and/or majority recommendation of the officers.
Section 3. Term of Office – Officers shall serve for a period of one (1) year, unless otherwise determined by the Board.
Section 4. Duties
- President – The president shall preside at all meetings of the Board, act as Chair of the Executive Officers, and be responsible for the general activity of the Board and supervision of all assigned and delegated duties. The president shall call special meetings of the Board when such meetings are deemed necessary. The president shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the Board, all standing and special sub-committees, designating the chairs thereof. The president shall be an ex-officio member of all sub-committees and perform all other duties pertaining to the office.
- Vice President – The vice president shall preside at meetings in the absence of the president, act for the president in case of absence or disability, disseminate information to the board (such as a master calendar of events and volunteer needs), and fulfill duties as needed or requested by the president.
- Secretary – The secretary shall keep the minutes of all regular and special meetings, attend to and distribute correspondence pertaining to the office, and perform other duties determined by the president.
- Treasurer – The treasurer shall maintain a financial record for the Board and present a financial report at regular meetings of the Board. The treasurer shall attend to business and financial operations of the Board, be the general chair of a finance sub-committee (if established), and perform other duties as requested by the president. At the close of the fiscal year, a financial report shall be submitted to the Board for inclusion in the minutes and final report to the CPC, APC, and Faculty Council. The treasurer and the officers will develop an annual budget request for approval by the Board. Any and all members are encouraged to suggest budget-saving cost measures.
- Communications Coordinator – The communications coordinator shall promote the activities of the Board by taking the lead in updating Board web pages, drafting stories about recognized units on campus, and other activities as requested by the Board.
Section 5. Vacancy – In the event a Board officer cannot carry out the duties of the office, the Board will elect one of its members to fill the vacancy. Said vacancy will be filled at the next regular meeting of the Board, following notification of the inability to complete the term of office.
Section 1. Standing sub-committees, as deemed necessary, shall be appointed by the president and approved by the Board.
Section 1. Meetings
- The Board meets once per month during the academic year. In general, the Board does not meet in July.
Section 2. Special meetings – Special meetings of the Board may be called by the president, or upon written request to the secretary by ten (10) members stating the purpose thereof. Said meeting shall be held no sooner than five (5) days after the membership has been notified.
Section 3. Voting – Voting will be by voice or hand, unless a simple majority present demand a vote by roll call or written ballot. Email ballots on specified issues may also be distributed and collected outside regular meeting times by the secretary under directions from the president.
Section 4. Attendance – It shall be the responsibility of every Board member to attend established meetings. Any member who cannot attend a meeting should contact the secretary or President in advance of the meeting. Should a Board member miss more than three meetings during the academic year, without prior notification to the secretary, the president may ask the member to find a replacement to serve on the Board or ask the member’s administrative officer to appoint a replacement.
Article VII – QUORUM
A quorum of the Board shall be 50% of the active members. Active members constitute those divisions with named representatives.
These Rules of Governance may be amended at a regular or special Board meeting, with two-thirds (2/3) majority of votes cast by active members in person or by absentee ballot. Notice of the proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing to the Board at least two weeks prior to the meeting and distributed to active members by the secretary. The secretary will collect absentee ballots and bring the cast votes to the meeting.
Interpretation of these Rules of Governance shall be determined by majority vote of the Board.
The fiscal year of the Colorado State University Employee Appreciation Board shall be from July 1 to June 30.